What is Undercover Marketing? A Complete Guide 2025
Marketing Once upon a time, people used to really pay attention to the ads that popped up during a movie or TV show. They enjoyed hearing their favorite actors talk about a cool product. However, over time, everyone figured out that even their beloved stars were just saying nice things because they were getting paid. […]
Generative AI another breakthrough Sentiment Analysis – Concept, Working and Application
Artifical Intelligence Have you ever wondered how computers can understand human feelings? Well, sentiment analysis is like a superpower that helps machines figure out if people are feeling positive, negative, or neutral when they write something online. Companies use special software and clever techniques to read what customers say on social media, in reviews, […]
How To Plan And Launch An MVP: A Go-To-Marketing Strategy
MVP Development Imagine you’re a kid who just built a model rocket. When everything is ready for launch, you feel both excited and nervous about pressing the “start” button. What if it falls apart? Did you miss anything? Or will it soar into the sky just like you hoped? Launching a startup feels a lot […]