How can sentiment analysis be used to improve customer experience-1

How can sentiment analysis be used to improve customer experience

Let’s dive into the world of understanding how folks really feel about your brand—it’s like having a secret decoder for their emotions! Ever wish you had a tool that could spill the beans on what your customers are thinking? Well, that’s the magic of customer sentiment analysis!


This nifty tool not only peeks into your customers’ minds but also dishes out insights backed by real data. Picture this: armed with this knowledge, you can make decisions that truly resonate with your customers, making them super loyal and, of course, giving your company’s revenue a boost.


But how does this sentiment analysis thingamajig work its magic to amp up the customer experience? Get ready as we unravel the mystery, sharing the metrics that gauge just how happy and satisfied your customers are. It’s like giving your brand a turbo boost in the race for customer affection!

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What is Sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis in customer feedback means figuring out if people feel good, meh, or not-so-great about your stuff. It’s like looking deeper than just the words to understand how they really feel. For businesses, it helps see if customers are happy or not with what you offer. The insights from this help you make changes to make customers even happier.

Is sentiment analysis also called “topic modelling”?

No, sentiment analysis and topic modeling are not the same thing. Sentiment analysis focuses on understanding the emotional tone and attitudes expressed in words, while topic modeling groups words based on their frequency without considering emotions.


Topic modeling requires basic intelligence, simply identifying common words. On the other hand, sentiment analysis demands advanced human or artificial intelligence to grasp the intent behind the words, not just the words themselves.


AI-powered tools like Idiomatic excel at reading between the lines in customer feedback, outperforming manual human analysis, especially with large amounts of data. They delve into the emotional context, making them more effective for sentiment analysis.

Collecting customer feedback

To get a well-rounded view through sentiment analysis in customer feedback, it’s crucial to gather data from different sources. This ensures more accurate and statistically reliable customer insights from various angles.


For instance, if you only analyze sentiments from your help desk tickets, you might end up with a negative bias because those reaching out are usually dissatisfied. Assessing 150 negative help desk tickets doesn’t reflect the sentiments of the many customers who haven’t contacted support.


To capture a broader perspective, collect feedback from various stages of the customer journey and different customer interactions:


  • Post-purchase surveys
  • Subscription renewal surveys
  • Social media
  • Help desk tickets
  • Customer service call recordings
  • Emails
  • Chatbot transcripts etc

This way, you paint a more complete picture of customer sentiments across different touchpoints

Top benefits of Sentiments Analysis to improve customer satisfaction

Top benefits of Sentiments Analysis to improve customer satisfaction

The benefits of incorporating sentiment analysis into your business are numerous, benefiting both you and your customers:

Social Media Tracking

  • Use sentiment analysis to monitor real-time customer feelings on social media.
  • Detect emotions behind comments to understand pain points, prevent PR crises, and enhance customer experience.

Live Interaction with Customer Support

  • Analyze customer support interactions in real-time to prevent escalations.
  • Empower agents with insights into customer emotions for proactive solutions, increasing satisfaction.

Understanding Customer Mood

  • Analyze customer sentiments to understand their current mood and take necessary measures.
  • Use sentiment analysis across channels like chats, calls, and emails to identify service gaps.

Streamlining Case Assignments

  • Evaluate nuances in support tickets to measure customer sentiment scores.
  • Streamline case assignments to the right agent for faster issue resolution, boosting customer satisfaction.

Uncovering Gaps

  • Analyze reviews to uncover gaps between customer expectations and delivered product features.
  • Observe product performance through real-time sentiment analysis.

Understanding Root Causes

  • Identify root causes of negative sentiment scores, enabling quick bug detection and resolution.
  • Track customer feelings over time to gauge shifts in behaviour and enhance products or services.

Decoding Customer Emotions

  • Use sentiment analysis to decode customer emotions and tailor interactions.
  • Evaluate past and live interactions to provide agents with insights for customized communication.

Identifying Message Triggers

  • Identify message triggers for negative or positive emotions, allowing agents to craft tailored responses.
  • Customize friendly responses to positively impact customer emotions, leaving a lasting positive experience.


There are some examples of sentiment analysis tools:


  • Used by brands like FabFitFun, Instacart, and Pinterest.
  • Classifies and analyzes millions of customer comments from various sources.
  • Combines user issue and sentiment analysis to identify problems and behaviors affecting customer experiences.
  • Provides real-time alerts for swift action.


  • Specializes in customer sentiment analysis on social media.
  • Analyzes comments and engagement to gauge customer happiness

Critical Mention

  • Analyzes news, publications, and TV for mentions of your business.
  • Excellent for media monitoring across various sources like social media, broadcasting, online news, and podcasts.

Hubspot’s Service Hub

  • Integrated CRM platform offering sentiment analysis on qualitative survey data.
  • Works seamlessly with Hubspot’s suite of cloud-based marketing, sales, and customer service tools.


  • Multilingual sentiment analysis tool supporting over 30 languages.
  • Useful for international businesses with a diverse customer base.

Using Excel

  • Manual sentiment analysis option by importing customer feedback data into Excel.
  • Recommended for smaller datasets due to the time-consuming nature.


These tools cater to different needs and preferences, providing businesses with options to suit their specific requirements for customer sentiment analysis.

Understanding sentiment differences across channels

Understanding sentiment differences across channels

Understanding sentiment differences across various channels is crucial for accurate analysis. The baseline sentiment varies between channels, impacting the overall interpretation of customer sentiment. Recognizing the inherent biases in tone and sentiment within each channel is essential for setting realistic expectations in sentiment analysis.


For instance, in a help desk conversation, the underlying sentiment is often negative, as customers typically reach out when facing issues or frustration. Conversely, social media posts may exhibit exaggerated sentiments, either overly positive or negative.


Consider the example of a help desk conversation—usually rooted in frustration. Rarely do customers contact a help desk to praise a product, resulting in an expected negative sentiment from this channel. Conversely, a satisfaction survey following a help desk interaction should yield a more positive sentiment, assuming the issue was resolved. A higher percentage of positive sentiments is anticipated, with further investigation warranted if dissatisfaction persists.

Using AI-driven text analysis to measure customer sentiment effectively

To effectively measure customer sentiment, employing AI-driven text analysis is key. This process involves three phases: data collection, analysis, and action, iterated to gauge the impact of implemented changes. Idiomatic, powered by AI, facilitates this process by importing various customer feedback data, including surveys and conversations. Its real-time trend analysis, attuned to channel-specific sentiments, notifies users of potential concerns and provides valuable customer insights.

MentorSol’s AI-driven platform excels in classifying millions of customer comments in minutes, understanding the “why” behind customer feedback with customized AI tailored to your business. It empowers businesses to unlock actionable insights and enhance the overall customer experience (CX).


In conclusion, Sentiment Analysis serves as a powerful tool that enables organizations to gain genuine insights into customers’ feelings about their brand and overall experience. By aggregating data from various online sources, it becomes a valuable asset in crafting an exceptional customer journey.


The utility of Sentiment Analysis extends to proactively addressing potential issues before they escalate, allowing organizations to reach out to customers and provide delightful experiences. Through text-mining tools, emotional triggers are identified, enabling the optimization of customer service to foster loyalty and engagement.