static application security testing tools

20 Best Static Application Security Testing Tools (SAST) In 2024

In 2024, securing your applications against cyber threats is more critical than ever. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are essential for identifying vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle and is very useful in software Testing. By analyzing your code without executing it, SAST tools help you catch security flaws before they become major issues.

This blog post will guide you through the 20 best SAST tools available in 2024. Whether you’re a developer, a security professional, or a tech enthusiast, these tools will help you strengthen your application’s security. From open-source options to enterprise-grade solutions, there’s a tool for every need.

Table of contents

Best Static Application Security Testing Tools

Here are my top 10 picks from the 20 SAST tools list I reviewed, listed in a more straightforward way:


  1. New Relic — Uses AI to spot unusual patterns or outliers effectively.
  2. GitHub — Makes it simple to track and undo changes made to code over time.
  3. Dynatrace — Offers in-depth visibility into systems and uses smart automation.
  4. DeepSource — Makes static code analysis easy with minimal setup and helps maintain code quality.
  5. GuardRails — Offers a smooth process for testing and managing vulnerabilities without overwhelming notifications.
  6. GitLab — A platform that supports software development with features like code reviews and issue tracking.
  7. Codiga — Enhances developer efficiency with helpful code snippets.
  8. SonarQube — Uses automated rules to continuously check code quality through static analysis.
  9. StackHawk — Focuses on bringing API security testing and app security into developers’ workflows.
  10. Flawnter — Automates and scales static testing of applications for potential issues.


These tools are selected based on their user-friendly features and benefits for developers and software teams.


What Are Static Application Security Testing Tools?

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are software designed to examine source code, bytecode, or binary code to uncover potential security vulnerabilities. These tools conduct automated scans of application code to pinpoint coding errors, weaknesses, or vulnerabilities without executing the code. SAST tools are typically employed during the early stages of software development.

The advantages and applications of SAST tools are manifold. They facilitate the early detection and resolution of security vulnerabilities, thereby bolstering the overall security posture of software applications. SAST tools also aid in upholding code quality and compliance with coding standards, mitigating the risk of security breaches in the final product. 

By integrating into the software development lifecycle, SAST tools empower developers to proactively address security concerns, thereby saving time and costs associated with post-deployment fixes. Given the prevalent emphasis on cybersecurity, SAST tools are indispensable for developing secure software applications today.

Overviews Of The 10 Best Static Application Security Testing Tools

Here is a concise overview of each of the top 10 static application security testing (SAST) tools, highlighting their key use cases, standout features, and interface snapshots:

New Relic

new relic static application security testing tools

Best with an AI bot to help detect outliers.


Key Features:

  • Comprehensive platform for monitoring, testing, and security management.
  • Offers vulnerability management module for security testing.
  • AI assistant (‘Grok’) reads telemetry data to identify outliers and root causes.
  • Integrates with over 500 apps including AWS, Google Cloud, and Jenkins.
  • Starts from $49/user/month; free plan available with feature limitations.

These tools provide effective security management by centralizing data and integrating with various development and deployment platforms. They cater to diverse needs and budgets, enabling proactive security testing throughout the software development lifecycle.


Github static security application testing tools

Makes it easy to track and revert changes made to code repositories.


Key Features

  • Robust code collaboration with version history tracking.
  • Strong emphasis on security with real-time vulnerability detection and fixing during code development.
  • Implements “left-shift security” by integrating security analysis into the development workflow.
  • Utilizes CodeQL for real-time code scanning and feedback while writing code.
  • Enables scheduled code scanning on pull or push requests during code reviews.



  • Free forever plan available with limited features.
  • 30-day free trial for advanced security features.
  • Starts at $3.67/user/month for additional features beyond the free plan.
  • GitHub offers personal, organizational, and enterprise account tiers with varying features and pricing.
  • GitHub Team priced at $44 per user/year for the first 12 months.
  • GitHub Enterprise billed at $231/user/year for the first 12 months.
  • Enterprise features are free for public repositories on GitHub.com.


GitHub provides a comprehensive platform for code collaboration and security enhancements, allowing developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities before merging code into repositories. Its integration of security tools into the development workflow enables proactive security measures, making it a valuable tool for software development teams of all sizes.


Dynatrace static security application testing tools

Key Use Case: Provides deep observability and intelligent automation for application and infrastructure monitoring.


Key Features

  • Leverages AI-powered platform for automating DevOps processes and enhancing security.
  • Offers comprehensive visibility into computing environments for seamless digital experience.



  • 15 days free trial available.


Pricing is based on individual components:


  • Digital Experience Monitoring: Starts at $11/month for 10K annual units.
  • Application Security Monitoring: Starts at $15/month for 8GB per host.
  • Infrastructure Monitoring: Starts at $22/month for 8GB per host.
  • Open Ingestion: Starts at $25/month for 100K annual Davis data units.
  • Cloud Automation: Starts at $0.10 per Cloud automation unit.
  • Full-stack Monitoring: Starts at $74/month for 8GB per host.


Dynatrace simplifies cloud complexity by offering AI-powered automation and deep observability. It aims to accelerate software delivery while ensuring security through its intelligent monitoring and automation capabilities. The platform provides a holistic view of computing environments to enhance digital experiences and optimize operations. The pricing structure is component-based, allowing users to choose specific features that align with their monitoring and security needs.


DeepSource static security application testing tools

Simplifies static code analysis with minimal configuration and emphasizes code health solutions.


Key Features

  • Enterprise-grade shift-left security tools for DevSecOps and QA teams.
  • Continuous code quality checks without extensive setup.
  • Autofix feature automatically generates bug fixes to prevent vulnerabilities in production.
  • Integrates with popular version control platforms like BitBucket, GitLab, and GitHub.
  • Flexible and versatile, covering major programming languages and can be used for infrastructure-as-code.



  • Free for small teams and personal accounts.
  • Per-user pricing plan for larger teams or organizations.


DeepSource is an advanced static analysis platform designed to enhance code quality and security for DevSecOps and QA teams. It streamlines code analysis with minimal setup, offering continuous monitoring and automatic bug fixing to prevent vulnerabilities from reaching production. 


The platform integrates seamlessly with popular version control systems and supports various programming languages, making it adaptable for diverse software development environments. With a focus on shift-left security practices, DeepSource empowers teams to proactively address code issues early in the development process.


Guardrails , static security application testing tools

Provides seamless end-to-end testing and vulnerability management with minimal disruption.



  • Enables continuous protection and visibility into security issues without overwhelming notifications.
  • Integrates seamlessly into existing workflows to minimize distractions for developers.
  • Delivers real-time alerts for significant vulnerabilities while keeping background noise low.
  • Enhances version control system integration, particularly with platforms like GitHub.


  • Free tier available for individuals or small teams to start their application security (AppSec) journey.
  • Standard tier priced at $35 per seat/month, offering expanded security features for single teams.
  • Professional tier priced at $55 per seat/month, providing advanced tools for teams working across portfolios.


GuardRails is a security tool that empowers developers and security teams to maintain code security through continuous protection and streamlined integration. It operates quietly in the background, minimizing disruptions while providing essential security alerts when significant vulnerabilities are detected. 


GuardRails enhances productivity by seamlessly integrating into existing workflows and version control systems, particularly GitHub. With flexible pricing tiers catering to different team sizes and security needs, GuardRails offers a comprehensive solution for ensuring application security throughout the development lifecycle.


Gitlab static security application testing tools

Open-source software development platform offering code review, issue tracking, and version control.


Key Features

  • Code repository and version control capabilities.
  • Built-in DevOps workflows including continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Supports modern application development and accelerates digital transformation.
  • Enhances developer productivity and collaboration while reducing costs and time to market.



  • Free for individual users with basic features.
  • Premium edition priced at $19/user/month, focusing on team productivity and coordination.
  • Ultimate tier priced at $99/user/month, catering to organization-wide security, planning, and compliance needs.

GitLab is a comprehensive open-source platform designed to facilitate modern application development and streamline software delivery processes. It provides essential functionalities such as code repository management, version control, and built-in DevOps workflows like CI/CD pipelines. 


GitLab enhances developer productivity and collaboration while offering scalable pricing tiers to accommodate individual users, teams, and organizations with varying security and compliance requirements. With its focus on automation and efficiency, GitLab is a valuable tool for organizations aiming to accelerate their digital transformation journey.


Codiga, static security application testing tools

Enables developer productivity through code snippets and static analysis (SAST) tools.



  • Supports left-shift coding philosophy by enabling early detection of quality defects.
  • Automates code reviews with context-based suggestions for improved code quality.
  • Boosts productivity by making code snippets easily accessible across multiple platforms.
  • Coding Assistant facilitates code sharing and reuse directly from the IDE.
  • Automated Code Review identifies vulnerabilities and coding issues during pull requests.
  • Provides source code scanning, workflow management, quality assurance, and application security features.
  • Offers continuous integration (CI) capabilities for CI pipelines.



  • Free version available for open-source developers.
  • Teams tier priced at $14/month, tailored for software engineering teams.


Codiga is a scalable static analysis tool designed to enhance developer productivity and code quality. It supports early detection of quality defects through automated code reviews and context-based suggestions. Codiga’s Coding Assistant simplifies code sharing and reuse directly from the integrated development environment (IDE), promoting collaboration among team members. 


With features like automated code scanning, workflow management, and continuous integration support, Codiga offers a comprehensive solution for software engineering teams seeking to optimize their development processes. The pricing structure includes a free version for open-source developers and a Teams tier priced affordably for software engineering teams.


SonarQube, static security application testing tools

Automates static code analysis to continuously inspect and improve code quality.


Key Features

  • Automates code inspection to promote safer and cleaner code writing practices.
  • Defines static code analysis rules to identify code smells and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Supports over 24 programming languages including C#, C++, Java, PHP, Python, etc.
  • Provides code review feedback during pull requests on platforms like GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab, etc.
  • Integrates seamlessly with IDEs (e.g., SonarLint) and CI/CD workflows (e.g., Azure DevOps, GitHub, Jenkins).


  • Community Edition: Open-source and free for basic usage.
  • Developer, Enterprise, and other editions available with a 14-day free trial.
  • Pricing for commercial editions (Developer, Enterprise, etc.) starts from $20,000/year, with costs potentially based on lines of code to be inspected.


SonarQube is a versatile static code analysis tool that helps developers write safer and cleaner code by automating code inspection. It supports a wide range of programming languages and integrates with popular version control platforms to provide code review feedback during the development process. 


SonarQube’s seamless integration with IDEs and CI/CD workflows enhances developer productivity and promotes continuous improvement in code quality. While the Community Edition is free and open-source, commercial editions offer advanced features and support tailored to enterprise needs, with pricing based on factors such as lines of code to be analyzed.


StackHawk, static security application testing tools

Bridges API security testing and application security closer to developers, integrating seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines.


Key Features

  • Simplifies and automates application security testing for DevSecOps in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows.
  • Focuses on dynamic application security testing (DAST) to uncover and remediate vulnerabilities.
  • Alerts developers with actionable context to triage and resolve security flaws efficiently.
  • Integrates with various CI/CD and DevOps tools including Jenkins, Travis CI, GitLab, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Azure Pipelines, BitBucket Pipelines, and Atlassian Bamboo.


  • 14-day free trial available for evaluation.
  • Free version offered for a single application.
  • Pro tier priced at $35/developer/month, providing expanded features for security testing.
  • Enterprise tier priced at $49/developer/month, offering advanced capabilities for larger organizations.

StackHawk is a modern dynamic application security testing tool designed to empower developers in identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities. It integrates seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines and DevOps workflows, enabling continuous security testing throughout the software development lifecycle. 


StackHawk’s focus on API security testing and DAST ensures comprehensive coverage of vulnerabilities introduced through both source code and third-party components. With affordable pricing tiers catering to individual developers and enterprise teams, StackHawk provides a scalable solution for organizations seeking to strengthen their application security posture with developer-friendly tools.


Flawnter, static security application testing tools

Automates and scales static application testing to improve security and code quality.


Key Features


  • Specializes in finding hidden security bugs through static code analysis.
  • Operates as a standalone application compatible with Windows and Linux systems.
  • Offers both command-line and GUI interfaces for user convenience.
  • Empowers users to expand code testing coverage with custom extensions.
  • Provides multi-language scanning, deployment management, debugging, and vulnerability scanning features.
  • Integrates seamlessly into IDEs and any point in the CI/CD pipeline.




  • Annual per-user license: $395/user/year.
  • 45-day per-user license: $195/user/45 days.
  • Enterprise-Wide licensing available; contact sales team for a quote.

Flawnter is a static code analyzer designed to automate and scale static application testing, enhancing security and code quality. It specializes in uncovering hidden security bugs through comprehensive static analysis. Flawnter operates as a standalone application compatible with both Windows and Linux systems, offering flexibility in deployment. Users can leverage custom extensions to expand code testing coverage and streamline vulnerability scanning. 


With support for multi-language scanning, debugging, and seamless integration into IDEs and CI/CD pipelines, Flawnter provides a robust solution for organizations seeking to strengthen their application security practices. Pricing options include annual per-user licenses and shorter-term licenses, catering to individual users and enterprise needs. For enterprise-wide licensing inquiries, users are encouraged to reach out to Flawnter’s sales team for personalized quotes and assistance.

Other SAST Tool Options

Here are a few more SAST tools that didn’t make the list but are worth checking out.

11. Mend SAST; Emphasizes speed without sacrificing security in enterprise application development

12. IDA Pro: Interactive disassembler and binary code analysis tool for in-depth code behavioral insight

13. Nexus Lifecycle: Provides a single tool to automate supply chain management throughout the SDLC lifecycle

14. Codacy: DevOps intelligence platform with high-quality code on 40+ programming languages.

15. Klocwork: Static code analysis and SAST tool for C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Kotlin.

15. Brinqa: Consolidate, prioritize and manage findings from all your AST tools.

16. LGTM: Explore this Free SAST tool for open source projects.

17. Reshift: Code security tool that secures your code as you build

18. Veracode: Integrate automated AppSec testing into your CI/CD pipeline.

19. SpectralOps: Advanced AI backed technology with over 2000 detectors to discover and classify your data silos and uncover data breaches.

Comparison Criteria

When selecting the best static application security testing (SAST) tool, consider the following criteria for evaluation:

User Interface (UI)

Look for a UI that offers intuitive guidance, making it easy for users to explore application elements and understand testing results efficiently.


Choose tools that are user-friendly and easy to configure. Prefer tools available as plugins for popular integrated development environments (IDEs), allowing seamless integration and usage by developers


Ensure the SAST tool supports workflow integration through API endpoints. This capability enables seamless incorporation into existing development pipelines and tools.

Support for Major Languages

Opt for a versatile SAST tool that can scan security vulnerabilities across multiple programming languages commonly used by developers.


Select a SAST platform that can scale effectively to handle large volumes of software scans without compromising performance.

Reliable Identification of Known Vulnerabilities

Look for a SAST tool that proficiently detects and identifies well-known security threats, such as code injection flaws and buffer overflow vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP Top Ten.

Reverse Engineering Binaries

Choose a tool capable of white-box testing, which includes the ability to analyze binaries and reverse engineer assembly language code for comprehensive security testing.

Value for Money

Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the tool. Ideally, the SAST tool should provide excellent value for the investment, delivering robust security testing capabilities and additional features that exceed expectations.

How Do I Use SAST Tooling?

static security application testing tools

By considering these criteria, you can assess and select a static application security testing tool that aligns with your organization’s development environment, security requirements, and budget, ensuring effective and efficient application security testing throughout the software development lifecycle.


Using static application security testing (SAST) tools effectively involves integrating them into the software development lifecycle and leveraging key features to enhance code security. Here’s how to use SAST tooling and the essential features to consider:


  • Early Integration: Integrate SAST tools as early as possible in the development cycle to identify security issues before they become more challenging and costly to fix.


  • Developer Training: Provide training to developers to ensure they understand how to use the SAST tool effectively and interpret the results accurately.


  • Continuous Use: Incorporate SAST into regular development workflows to continuously monitor and improve code security throughout the development process.

Key Features of SAST Tooling

  • Bug Tracking: SAST tools should provide robust bug-tracking capabilities to manage and prioritize discovered vulnerabilities. This allows DevSecOps teams to track and remediate security issues efficiently.


  • Real-time Analytics and Reporting: SAST tools should offer real-time analytics and detailed reporting to provide visibility into code vulnerabilities. This helps quality assurance (QA) and cybersecurity teams gain deep insights into the application’s logic and execution paths.


  • Vulnerability Scanning: The core function of SAST tools is vulnerability scanning, which involves systematically analyzing source code to identify security flaws and weaknesses.


  • Multiple Types of Code Analysis: Look for SAST tools capable of performing various types of code analysis, including:


  • Structural Analysis: Examines the structure of code to detect architectural flaws.


  • Configuration Analysis: Identifies issues related to configuration settings and security parameters.


  • Control Flow Analysis: Analyzes how control flows through the application to detect potential security issues.


  • Data Flow Analysis: Tracks how data is processed and used within the application, identifying potential data leakage or injection vulnerabilities.


  • Semantic Code Analysis: Understands the meaning and intent behind code to detect logic flaws and potential security risks.


By leveraging these key features and integrating SAST tools effectively into the development process, organizations can enhance the security posture of their applications, reduce the risk of security breaches, and deliver more secure software to end-users. Regular use of SAST tools coupled with developer training and proactive remediation strategies can significantly improve code quality and security throughout the software development lifecycle.

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In conclusion, selecting the right static application security testing (SAST) tool is crucial for enhancing code security and preventing vulnerabilities in software applications. By considering key criteria such as user interface (UI), usability, integrations, language support, scalability, vulnerability detection capabilities, and value for money, organizations can make informed decisions to integrate SAST tools effectively into their development workflows. 


Early and continuous use of SAST tools, coupled with developer training and proactive bug tracking, ensures that security issues are identified and addressed early in the software development lifecycle. Ultimately, leveraging SAST tools with advanced features like real-time analytics and comprehensive code analysis empowers DevSecOps teams to deliver more secure and reliable software applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Integrate SAST tools early in the development cycle.
  • Provide training to developers to maximize tool utilization.
  • Use SAST tools continuously to monitor and improve code security.
  • Bug tracking for effective vulnerability management.
  • Real-time analytics and reporting for deep insights into code vulnerabilities.
  • Comprehensive vulnerability scanning to identify security flaws.
  • Multiple types of code analysis including structural, configuration, control flow, data flow, and semantic analysis.
  • Consider user interface (UI) intuitiveness and ease of use.
  • Check for integration capabilities with existing development workflows.
  • Ensure support for major programming languages used in your organization.
  • Assess scalability to handle large-scale code analysis.
  • Evaluate the tool’s ability to reliably identify known vulnerabilities and perform advanced code analysis.
  • Early detection and mitigation of security vulnerabilities.
  • Improved code quality and reduced risk of security breaches.
  • Enhanced visibility and insights into code vulnerabilities.
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines for automated security testing.
  • Facilitate collaboration between development, security, and operations teams.
  • Enable proactive security testing and remediation throughout the development lifecycle.
  • Automate security testing processes to accelerate software delivery without compromising security.