6 Strategy To Measure IT Staff Augmentation ROI

6 Strategy To Measure IT Staff Augmentation ROI

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Hey there, welcome to “Augmenting Excellence”! So far, we’ve been digging into staff augmentation—what it is, how it helps businesses, all that good stuff. But today, we’re tackling something super important: figuring out if it’s worth it—measuring the return on investment (ROI) of staff augmentation.

Understanding staff augmentation ROI

Staff augmentation isn’t just about plugging holes in your team; it’s like putting money into something to make your business better. And like any smart investment, you want to know if it’s paying off.


So, to make sure that the time and money you’re putting into staff augmentation is giving you what you want, we need a clear way to measure how much bang you’re getting for your buck. That’s where calculating ROI comes in—it’s like checking if the investment is worth it or if we need to tweak things to get better results.

Key metrics to consider

Here are a couple of important things to keep an eye on when you’re thinking about staff augmentation

Cost Savings

This one’s a biggie. Think about the money you’re saving by using staff augmentation instead of hiring full-time folks. Add up all the costs involved in hiring and maintaining full-time employees—salaries, benefits, training, office space, all that jazz. Then, compare that to the cost of bringing in temporary help. The difference? That’s your cost savings.

Project Efficiency

Another crucial thing to consider is how staff augmentation affects your projects. Look at how quickly things get done—does bringing in extra help speed things up? Are you hitting your project goals faster? Maybe you’re getting products out to market quicker than before. All these things mean your projects are running more efficiently, which is a big win in terms of ROI.

Quality of Work

It’s not just about getting things done quickly; it’s about doing them well too. Check out how good the work is that your augmented team is delivering. Are projects hitting the mark? Are clients happy with the results? If the work is top-notch, it often leads to more business from happy clients and their referrals. That’s a big boost to your ROI.

Calculating ROI

As for figuring out the ROI of staff augmentation, here’s a nifty formula you can use:


ROI (%) = (Net Profit / Investment Cost) x 100

Investment Cost

This includes everything you spend on staff augmentation, like hiring, training, and keeping the team going.

Net Profit

It’s all about what you’re getting back from these augmented team members. It includes the money you make from projects they’re involved in, the savings you get, and how much more efficient your business becomes.


This formula helps you see if the money and effort you’re putting into staff augmentation is giving you a good return or not. If the ROI percentage is high, that means your investment is paying off nicely!

6 Tips for Measuring Your It Staff Augmentation ROI

Here are the best 6 Tips to Measur Your It Staff Augmentation ROI

6 Tips for Measuring Your ROI

Revisit Your Company's Goals

First things first, take a trip down memory lane to remember what your company aims to achieve. This step is like checking the map before a road trip. By understanding your goals, you can align your ROI measurement strategy to what truly matters for your business success.

Have a Clear Idea of Their Role

You know how every superhero has a specific job in saving the world? It’s kind of like that with your team members and projects. Be crystal clear about what role each aspect of your business plays in reaching your goals. This clarity helps in tracking how each part contributes to your overall success.

Determine Your Metrics

Metrics are like measuring sticks for success. Figure out what indicators matter most to your business goals. It could be sales numbers, customer satisfaction scores, or even social media engagement. Picking the right metrics helps you keep your eyes on the prize.

Identify How You Will Track Data

It’s time to become a detective (minus the magnifying glass). Decide where you’ll find the data that reflects those chosen metrics. Whether it’s through software, surveys, or good old spreadsheets, having a plan to gather this information is key.

Factor in Indirect Returns

Sometimes, the good stuff isn’t always immediately obvious. Think beyond the direct money made or saved. Consider how your projects or teams might indirectly impact things like brand reputation or customer loyalty. These indirect returns can be just as valuable.

Consider All the Costs

Money talks, but it’s not just about what you spend on your projects or teams. Remember to tally up all the costs involved in making those returns happen. Include everything from hiring expenses to training costs and even the coffee they drink in the office.


Measuring ROI is like putting together puzzle pieces to see the bigger picture of your business success. These tips can be your guide to making sure you’re not just making moves but making the right moves towards achieving your goals!

3 Important Human Capital Metrics for Measuring IT Staff Augmentation Project ROI

Human Capital ROI

Think of human capital ROI as a way to measure the value you’re getting from your people. Calculate how much these augmented IT staff members contribute to your projects and overall business success. Consider factors like their productivity, skills, and the impact they bring to the table. This metric helps you gauge if the investment in these individuals is paying off in terms of the value they provide.

Training Investment

When you bring in IT staff through augmentation, there’s often a need for training or skill development. Measure the investment you put into training these individuals. Keep tabs on the resources, time, and money spent on getting them up to speed. By tracking this, you can understand how the training efforts translate into enhanced skills and capabilities, contributing to the ROI of the augmentation project.

Turnover Rates

Employee turnover is like the revolving door of a company. Measure how many people come and go within your augmented IT staff. High turnover can indicate issues with satisfaction or alignment within your projects. By keeping an eye on this metric, you’ll understand if the turnover rates are affecting project continuity or productivity. Lower turnover often means better retention of talent, which can positively impact the ROI of your IT augmentation endeavors.


These metrics help you dive deep into the human side of IT staff augmentation projects. By analyzing and understanding these aspects, you can better evaluate the return on investment and make informed decisions about future augmentation strategies.


In summary, evaluating the ROI of staff augmentation plays a crucial role in the success of your workforce enhancement plan. It’s all about using the appropriate measurements, accurately crunching the numbers for ROI, and putting in place tactics to boost the returns. This approach empowers you to make informed choices that can substantially benefit and uplift your business.