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Generative AI another breakthrough Sentiment Analysis – Concept, Working and Application

Have you ever wondered how computers can understand human feelings? Well, sentiment analysis is like a superpower that helps machines figure out if people are feeling positive, negative, or neutral when they write something online.


Companies use special software and clever techniques to read what customers say on social media, in reviews, or comments. This way, they can learn how people feel about their products or services.


Imagine you write a tweet about a new phone you bought. Sentiment analysis helps companies figure out if you’re happy or unhappy with it. By doing this for lots of people’s comments, companies can see what makes customers happy or disappointed.


Using this information, businesses can improve what they offer to make customers happier. This might mean changing prices, offering better customer service, or making products that people like more.


Thanks to cool technology like artificial intelligence and machine learning, sentiment analysis keeps getting better at understanding emotions in online writing. It’s like having a helpful assistant that reads through thousands of reviews to see if customers are satisfied or not. And this tool is super versatile—it can be used in many different ways to help businesses succeed.


In a nutshell, sentiment analysis is like teaching computers to understand human feelings by reading what people say online and on social media platforms. It’s a powerful tool that helps businesses make their customers happier and their products better.

Table of contents

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis is all about understanding if a piece of online writing sounds positive, negative, or neutral. Businesses today collect heaps of text from emails, customer chats, social media posts, and reviews to learn what people are saying about them.

Types Of Sentiment Analysis

Types of sentiment analysis

When we analyze feelings in text, it’s not just about deciding if something is pointing to positive sentiment, negative sentiment, or neutral sentiment. There are different ways to understand emotions and intentions in what people write. Here are a few types:


  1. Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis: Think of this like looking at a customer review and trying to be very precise about whether it’s super positive, positive, neutral, negative, or very negative. It’s like using a 5-star rating system—where 5 stars means very positive, and 1 star means very negative—to understand exactly how people feel. Positive sentiment and negative sentiment directly affect the ratings. 
  2. Emotion Detection: This type focuses on figuring out the specific emotions people express, like happiness, disappointment, anger, or sadness. Sometimes, it uses special word lists or really smart computer programs to recognize these feelings. But it can be tricky because people express emotions in many different ways, making it harder for computers to understand perfectly.
  3. Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: Imagine a review that says, “The camera quality of this phone is getting worse with time.” This type helps to find out which particular feature or aspect the person is talking about. For example, it can pinpoint that the customer is unhappy with the phone’s camera quality.
  4. Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: This one is quite complex. It’s about understanding how people feel in different languages or from various places around the world. Companies want to know what customers think, no matter where they are or what language they speak. So, this type of analysis helps to figure out feelings in different languages, even though it’s more challenging.

Each of these types helps companies understand what customers are feeling and saying in online reviews, and companies are using different sorts of Sentiment Analysis Tools to figure out the sentiment analysis algorithms which help them to figure out sentiment classification, intent analysis through online sources like news articles, visual content, customer opinions, positive mentions.  These sentiment analysis tools also help them to identify sentiment scores through aspect-based sentiment analysis, actionable insights and negative reviews. 

Importance Of Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is super useful because it helps you understand how customers feel about your brand. By checking what people say on social media, in reviews, or surveys, you can find out what they like or don’t like. This helps a lot in making your products and services better.


Did you know that most of the world’s data is not in neat, organized forms? Yep, it’s true! Businesses get tons of emails, messages, social media posts, and other stuff every day. It’s way too much for people to read and understand quickly.


That’s where sentiment analysis comes in handy! It automatically looks through all this big, messy data to see if people are happy, unhappy, or somewhere in between. This helps companies make smarter decisions and improve what they offer to make customers happier.

Benefits of sentiment analysis

  1. Handling Big Data Easily:Every day, businesses get flooded with tons of documents, tweets, customer chats, and surveys. Imagine going through all of that by hand! Sentiment analysis makes this job much easier. It helps businesses quickly and cost-effectively process all this huge amount of information.
  2. Quick Problem Solving: Sometimes, problems pop up fast—like an angry customer ready to leave or a social media crisis blowing up. Sentiment analysis can spot these situations in real-time. This means you can take action right away to fix things before they get worse.
  3. Making Things Fairer: When people try to figure out if text is positive, negative, or neutral, they don’t always agree. It’s kind of tricky and influenced by personal thoughts and experiences. Sentiment analysis helps by using consistent rules for all data. This makes it more accurate and gives better insights into what people really think.


So, sentiment analysis is like having a super-fast and fair way to handle heaps of data, solve problems quickly, and understand what customers are really saying.

How Does Sentiment Analysis Work?

How Does Sentiment Analysis Work

There are a few different ways this technology works:

Rule-Based Approach

Think of this like having a set of strict rules to follow. People create these rules manually, and they help the system recognize whether words are positive, negative, or neutral. For example, there are lists of words that are considered positive (like “good” or “best”) and negative (like “bad” or “worst”). 


The system counts how many positive and negative words are in a piece of text. If there are more positive words, the system sees it as positive, and if there are more negative words, it’s seen as negative. But this method can be a bit basic and may miss the complexity of how words are used together.

Automatic Approach

This one’s a bit smarter. It’s like teaching a computer to learn from examples. Instead of following strict rules, it learns from lots of examples of positive, negative, and neutral texts. So when you give it a new piece of text, it uses what it’s learned to guess whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.

Training and Prediction

In training, the model learns from examples. It looks at pairs of text inputs and their corresponding sentiments (like positive, negative, or neutral) to understand patterns. The model uses a feature extractor to turn the text into a set of features. These pairs of features and sentiments are then used to train a machine learning algorithm, which creates the model.


During prediction, the model uses what it learned from the training. It takes new, unseen text inputs and turns them into features using the same feature extractor. Then, based on these features, it predicts the sentiment—whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.

Feature Extraction from Input Text

To understand text, machine learning classifiers use different methods to turn words into something they can understand better. One way is the classical approach called bag-of-words or bag-of-n-grams. This method looks at the frequency of words or groups of words in a text.


But now, there’s a new method called word embeddings or word vectors. It’s like giving words a special code that helps the model understand their meanings better. Words with similar meanings have similar codes, which makes it easier for the model to understand relationships between words.


So, feature extraction is about turning text into something the computer can work with. This helps the machine learning model understand and predict sentiments more accurately.

Classification Algorithms

Let’s break down these classification algorithms in simpler terms:


  1. Naive Bayes: This is a set of algorithms that use probabilities to predict the category of a text. It works by calculating the likelihood of a text belonging to a particular category based on the words used in it. It’s called “naive” because it assumes that the presence of a word in a category is independent of the presence of other words, although it’s a simple and effective method for text classification.
  2. Support Vector Machines (SVM): Unlike Naive Bayes, SVM doesn’t rely on probabilities. Instead, it maps texts as points in a space with multiple dimensions. Texts are then grouped into categories based on their similarity and where they fall within this space. It’s like putting texts into different regions based on their similarities to existing texts in different categories.
  3. Deep Learning: This is a type of algorithm that’s part of a family known as artificial neural networks. These algorithms try to imitate how the human brain works. They process lots of data through layers of interconnected nodes to understand patterns and make predictions. In sentiment analysis, deep learning methods use these layers to learn complex patterns in text for better accuracy.
  4. Logistic Regression: It’s a statistical algorithm used for predicting a value (like whether a text belongs to a specific category) based on a set of features. Despite its name including “regression,” logistic regression is commonly used for classification tasks, especially when dealing with binary classification problems (e.g., determining if a text is positive or negative).


Each of these algorithms has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they’re used in sentiment analysis to help computers understand and categorize text based on the chosen method’s approach to handling data and patterns.

Hybrid approaches

A hybrid approach in sentiment analysis combines the best parts of both the rule-based and automatic methods into a single system. This approach takes advantage of the strengths of each method to achieve more accurate and precise results compared to using only rule-based or automatic methods separately.


By blending these two approaches, the hybrid model gains the benefits of having structured rules while also leveraging the adaptability and learning capabilities of machine learning techniques. This combination often leads to better performance in understanding and categorizing sentiments expressed in text.

Sentiment Analysis - Machine Learning Approach

Here’s a simpler explanation of using a machine learning approach for sentiment analysis, focusing on word representations in a vector space:

Word Representations in a Vector Space

When building a sentiment analysis model using machine learning, representing sentences in a vector space is crucial. This helps the model understand and work with the text effectively.

Feature Extraction

For longer texts like articles or books, methods like bag-of-words or term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-IDF) work well. These methods list words with their frequencies, giving importance to frequently occurring words across the entire text. However, they might not capture the structure of shorter sentences accurately. For instance, they might struggle with understanding sentences like “Excellent camera but bad battery life,” which has mixed sentiments.


Short sentences with complex structures, including negations or contrasts, pose challenges for these methods.

Word Vectors

Word vectors represent words as n-dimensional feature vectors. Each word is represented by a unique vector in a space where similar words are closer together. This method captures both the meaning and structure of the text better than frequency-based methods.

Tomas Mikolov pioneered a method to represent words in vectors by training a neural network on large datasets. These word vectors capture semantic relationships by analyzing the statistical distribution of words that often appear together.


These word vectors are used as inputs to a convolutional neural network or integrated into deep learning models as hidden layers. This process helps the model understand the sentiment information of words, enabling it to predict the sentiment of the text more accurately.


In essence, using word vectors helps machine learning models understand words and their meanings in a more nuanced way, allowing for better analysis of sentiment in text. If you want to explore these techniques further, seeking guidance from a Natural Language Processing consulting service familiar with the latest trends in NLP might be beneficial.

Sentence Representation

Matrix Superposition

  • One way to represent a sentence considering its words and meaning is by creating a matrix that combines word vectors representing the text.


  • This method involves adding or combining the word vectors to form a matrix that represents the sentence. Each word vector contributes to the overall structure of the sentence representation.


Doc2Vec Method (by Tomas Mikolov)

  • Tomas Mikolov proposed Doc2Vec as an enhancement to Word2Vec, a method for word representation.


  • In Doc2Vec, the neural network is adjusted to consider both word vectors and a vector representing the entire sentence.


  • This is achieved by modifying the Word2Vec model to take input as a word vector and an additional vector related to the sentence itself.
  • The word vector becomes a parameter in the model and is optimized using techniques like gradient descent during the training process.


As a result, each sentence is represented by a set of features that capture the structure and meaning of that sentence.

Pros and Cons of Sentiment analysis

Here are the pros and cons of different sentiment analysis methods:

Logistic Regression with Word Vectors

  • Pros: Effective for fine-grained classification by predicting feelings from text composition. Good for sentiment analysis when used with fine-grained classification.


  • Cons: Building document vectors for sentences requires running a time-consuming gradient descent algorithm. Doc2Vec classification demands significant hardware resources and longer processing times compared to other methods with shorter preprocessing.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

  • Pros: Combines computer vision neural networks with convolution layers for improved accuracy in text classification. Utilizes convolutions to create relevant features from the input data, automatically learning optimal patterns for classification problems.


  • Cons: Can be computationally intensive and may require significant computational resources.

Applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Pros: Used in various fields like healthcare, retail, advertising, etc., applying sentiment analysis through word vectors and convolutional operations. Helps identify strongly positive or negative words, understand negations, and learn word relationships for sentiment analysis.


  • Cons: Requires complex modeling and may involve intricate connections between deep neural networks and convolutions, demanding substantial computational capacity.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

  • Pros: Efficient in processing natural language by considering the sequence of words in a sentence. Capable of recognizing sentiment patterns as it reads sentences from start to finish.


  • Cons: While proficient in speech recognition and translation, LSTM can slow down the evaluation process significantly and requires careful implementation.

Each method has its advantages and limitations. Logistic regression with word vectors is effective but computationally intensive. CNNs offer improved accuracy but may be resource-demanding. NLP applications are versatile but involve complex modeling, and LSTM is efficient but might slow down processing. Choosing the right method depends on the specific requirements and computational resources available for sentiment analysis tasks.

Challenges Faced During Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis in natural language processing encounters several challenges that make it difficult for machines to accurately interpret emotions in text. Here are some key challenges faced during machine-based sentiment analysis.

Challenges Faced During Sentiment Analysis
  1. Subjectivity and Tone:Distinguishing between subjective (explicit sentiment) and objective (neutral) text is challenging. For example, classifying sentiments like “The phone is nice” (positive) versus “The phone is blue” (neutral) can be subjective due to the intensity of sentiments attached to words.
  2. Context and Polarity:Sentiment analysis without context becomes intricate, especially with changes in polarity. The same text can convey different sentiments based on the context. For instance, “Everything of it” (positive context) versus “Absolutely nothing!” (negative context) might vary based on the question asked.
  3. Irony and Sarcasm: Detecting sarcasm and irony is tough as people express negative sentiments using affirmative words. For instance, phrases like “Yeah, sure. So enjoyable!” might express negativity despite using positive words.
  4. Comparisons:Analyzing sentiments in comparative texts like “This product is better than others” or “The new shop is far from the old one” requires understanding contextual nuances to determine sentiment.
  5. Emojis: Emojis in texts, especially in platforms like tweets, play a crucial role in sentiment analysis. Processing emojis (Western and Eastern) becomes essential, requiring detailed character-level and word-level preprocessing.
  6. Defining Neutral: Determining what constitutes neutral text is complex. Objective texts, irrelevant information, and certain wishful texts pose challenges in categorization. Defining neutral accurately is vital for reliable sentiment analysis results.
  7. Human Annotator Accuracy: Achieving agreement among human annotators in sentiment analysis is challenging. Since machines learn from human-labeled data, low inter-annotator agreement impacts the accuracy of sentiment analysis classifiers.


These challenges, including subjectivity, context dependence, linguistic nuances, and defining neutrality, contribute to the complexity of accurately analyzing sentiments in text for machines.

Application Of Sentiment Analysis

Here’s a concise overview of the diverse applications of sentiment analysis across various sectors.

Application of Sentiment Analysis

Brand Monitoring

  • Helps gain a comprehensive view of customer perception through social media, surveys, and online conversations.
  • Enables quantification of customer feedback, aiding in developing appealing marketing strategies and product enhancements.

Customer Service

  • Automates call classification to prioritize urgent customer issues and improve service efficiency.
  • Focuses on resolving urgent queries promptly to enhance customer satisfaction and maintain brand value.

Finance and Stock Monitoring

  • Utilizes sentiment analysis to gauge market sentiments for informed investment decisions.
  • Helps in comparing sentiments about different companies or industries to guide investment choices.

Business Intelligence

  • Analyzes social media reactions and product reviews to estimate customer retention rates.
  • Provides insights into product performance, market needs, and competitor responses for making informed business decisions.

Enhancing Customer Experience

  • Assesses unfiltered customer sentiments from brand monitoring, support interactions, and surveys.
  • Utilizes sentiment scores and qualitative data from surveys to understand customer experiences and improve service quality.

Market Research and Analysis

  • Employs sentiment analysis in business intelligence for understanding customer responses and competitive advantages.
  • Enables online product reviews comparison, leveraging competitors’ weaknesses, and understanding market trends.


Sentiment analysis finds applications in diverse fields such as finance, customer service, market research, and brand management, offering insights into customer perceptions and aiding decision-making processes.


The age of gaining crucial insights from social media and surveys has reached new heights, thanks to technological advancements. It’s now essential for your business to stay connected with your customers’ sentiments. Companies are embracing smart tools like contextual semantic search and sentiment analysis to tap into data’s depth and gain profound insights.


Craft effective business strategies, surpass customer expectations, generate leads, create impactful marketing campaigns, and explore new growth avenues using natural language processing solutions.