17 Best Web Application Penetration Testing Tools In 2024-1

17 Best Web Application Penetration Testing Tools In 2024

Here are my top 10 picks from the 17 tools I reviewed for web application penetration testing:


  1. New Relic: Great for real-time performance monitoring.
  2. Intruder: Perfect for proactive, automated penetration testing.
  3. AppTrana: Offers the best fully managed web application firewall (WAF) solution.
  4. Invicti: Allows users to configure pre-set scan profiles, making it suitable for less experienced users.
  5. Core Impact: Best choice for replicating multi-staged attacks.
  6. NMap: A lightweight solution for web application penetration testing.
  7. Wireshark: A network protocol analyzer that’s fully open source, tracks your network and traffic for cybersecurity.
  8. Amass: Ideal for external asset discovery.
  9. Nessus: Known for its ease of use in both credential and non-credential scans.
  10. Metasploit: Helps automate manual tests and streamline your testing process.

With numerous web application penetration testing tools on the market, finding the right one can be challenging. You’re eager to uncover and evaluate security vulnerabilities in your web applications but unsure which tool suits your needs best. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! In this post, I’ll simplify your decision-making process by sharing my firsthand experiences using a variety of web application penetration testing software across different teams and projects. I’ll highlight my top picks for the best web application penetration testing tools to help you make an informed choice.

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What are Web Application Testing Tools?

Web application penetration testing tools are software programs designed to assess the security of web applications by simulating cyberattacks. These tools help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the application’s code, configuration, and infrastructure. By conducting simulated attacks, penetration testing tools evaluate the application’s defenses and provide insights into potential security risks. These insights enable organizations to remediate vulnerabilities and strengthen their web application security posture, thereby reducing the risk of cyber threats and data breaches.

How To Choose Best Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

Choosing the right web application penetration testing tools amidst the plethora of options available can indeed be daunting. To streamline your decision-making process, consider the following factors as you shortlist, trial, and select:


  • Identify the Problem: Start by pinpointing the specific gap or challenge you aim to address with the web application penetration testing tool. Understanding your needs will help clarify the essential features and functionalities required.


  • User Profile: Evaluate who will be utilizing the tool and determine the number of licenses needed. Whether it’s solely for QA software testers or the entire organization, understanding user requirements will help prioritize ease of use versus advanced functionality.


  • Integration Requirements: Clarify which existing tools need to be replaced, retained, or integrated with the new web application penetration testing tool. Assess compatibility with other testing, automation, or bug tracking software to ensure seamless integration.


  • Desired Outcomes: Define the outcomes you expect the software to deliver for it to be deemed successful. Consider the capabilities you aim to enhance or the improvements you seek, and establish metrics to measure success effectively.


  • Organizational Fit: Evaluate how the selected tool aligns with your organization’s workflows and delivery methodology. Assess current practices, identify pain points, and ensure that the chosen tool complements your unique business requirements.

Best Web Application Penetration Testing Tool Reviews

Here’s a concise overview of each web application penetration testing tool, highlighting their primary use cases, notable features, and accompanied by screenshots providing a snapshot of the user interface:

New Relic

New Relic

New Relic is a tool for monitoring your applications in real-time. It helps you keep track of how well your app is performing, identify any slowdowns, and fix them before they cause problems.


With New Relic, you can see exactly what’s happening with your app as it’s happening. This means you can spot issues as they occur and address them immediately. It also provides detailed analytics, allowing you to dive deep into your app’s performance data to understand what’s going on. And the best part? It presents all this information in a way that’s easy to understand.


Some key features of New Relic include monitoring various aspects of your app such as its backend, Kubernetes, and mobile performance. It also helps with managing logs, tracking errors, monitoring network activity, and identifying vulnerabilities. Plus, it integrates with over 500 other apps, including popular ones like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. It even works seamlessly with CI/CD tools, communication platforms like Slack, and other monitoring tools like Grafana and Datadog.


New Relic offers different pricing plans, starting from $49 per user per month. There’s also a free plan available for single users with a limit of 100 GB of data usage per month.



Intruder is a top choice for proactive and automated penetration testing. Offering a 14-day free trial and plans starting from $196 per month per application, it’s designed to monitor your systems automatically and notify you of potential threats as they arise.


This tool serves as a vulnerability management solution, helping businesses identify and rectify security weaknesses across their digital infrastructure. It achieves this through continuous network monitoring, automated vulnerability scanning, and proactive threat response, ultimately contributing to a more secure IT environment.


What sets Intruder apart is its automation capabilities, leveraging underlying vulnerability scanners to take a proactive approach to vulnerability management. This automated scanning feature enables regular and systematic vulnerability assessments of digital assets with minimal manual effort. Additionally, its continuous monitoring and real-time threat monitoring ensure that security statuses remain current, adapting to new threats and environmental changes.


Intruder seamlessly integrates with popular platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Jira, Github, and Gitlab. For other integrations, users can leverage Zapier and API connections.


With its focus on automation and comprehensive vulnerability management, Intruder stands out as a powerful tool for safeguarding digital assets against potential threats.



AppTrana stands out as the best fully managed web application firewall (WAF) solution, offering a 14-day free trial and a subscription starting at $99 per month per application.


Designed for penetration testing and behavioral-based DDoS protection, AppTrana is trusted by security-conscious companies across various industries, including Axis Bank, Jet Aviation, Niva Health Insurance, and TRL Transport.


One of its key strengths is its fully managed security approach, where AppTrana’s expert team handles the analysis and updating of security policies on your behalf. Higher-tier subscriptions even include a named account manager and quarterly service reviews for added support and guidance.


AppTrana offers a wide range of features, including unlimited application security scanning, manual pen-testing of applications, managed CDN, false positive monitoring, custom SSL certificates, and risk-based API protection. Their website provides detailed explanations of these features, along with additional resources like blogs, a learning center, whitepapers, infographics, and datasheets.


With its comprehensive features and managed security approach, AppTrana is an ideal choice for businesses looking to fortify their web applications against potential threats.



Invicti simplifies web application security testing by offering configurable pre-set scan profiles, ideal for users with varying levels of experience. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, it allows organizations to secure their web applications and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks effectively.


This automated security testing tool scans websites and web applications for vulnerabilities, generating detailed reports for easy analysis. Additionally, Invicti provides a technology dashboard, offering insights into the software versions used in your applications.


The ability to configure pre-set scan profiles makes it effortless for team members to conduct scans and penetration tests. These profiles are fully customizable, ensuring they align with the specific requirements of your web application. Moreover, Invicti boasts a responsive 24/7 support team, providing assistance whenever needed.


Integrating seamlessly with Bugzilla, BitBucket, and Asana, Invicti streamlines the security testing process and enhances collaboration within teams. For pricing information, customized quotes are available upon request, allowing businesses to tailor their investment based on their unique needs and budget constraints.



Core Impact stands out as the top choice for replicating multi-staged attacks in web application penetration testing. With a free trial available and packages starting at $9,450 USD per year for the Basic package, Core Impact offers a comprehensive suite for executing automated penetration tests.


This tool excels in exploiting security weaknesses within applications, enhancing productivity with its user-friendly interface and rapid penetration testing capabilities. Its clean interface facilitates efficient discovery, testing, and reporting of vulnerabilities.


Core Impact’s standout feature is its capability to replicate multi-staged attacks, allowing users to pivot their penetration tests across various systems, devices, and applications. This feature enables the configuration and execution of multiple tests simultaneously, enhancing testing efficiency.


Additionally, Core Impact offers the ability to install an agent on the server via SSH and SMB, improving the effectiveness of white box testing.


Overall, Core Impact provides robust features and capabilities for comprehensive web application penetration testing, making it a valuable tool for security professionals and organizations aiming to bolster their security posture.



NMap is a lightweight yet powerful web application penetration testing tool designed to detect vulnerabilities within your web applications. With NMap’s security scanner, you can execute penetration tests and scan your network comprehensively for potential weaknesses.


This tool offers flexibility in configuration, allowing you to customize port ranges, IPs, and protocols according to your specific requirements. Additionally, NMap supports scanning of multiple IPs for open ports, enhancing its versatility.


NMap is particularly suitable for teams with varying levels of experience, thanks to its user-friendly interface and lightweight nature. It is easy to start up, making it accessible even to less experienced members of your team. Moreover, NMap’s organized interface simplifies navigation through penetration tests and reporting.


One of the notable advantages of NMap is its compatibility with all operating systems, including Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. Binary packages are readily available for download, ensuring seamless installation across different platforms.


Furthermore, NMap is fully open source and free to use, making it a cost-effective solution for web application penetration testing needs.



Wireshark is a robust network protocol analyzer, offering extensive capabilities for tracking and analyzing network traffic to enhance cybersecurity measures. As an open-source tool, Wireshark provides users with the flexibility to capture and dissect network data packets across various protocols.


With Wireshark, users can delve into the microscopic details of network packets, leveraging filters and color labels to highlight specific packets for ease of analysis. The tool supports the inspection of hundreds of protocols, with ongoing additions to its extensive library.


Wireshark is compatible with multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, and more, ensuring accessibility across different operating systems. It can capture live data from a wide range of sources, such as Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, USB, and more, in diverse file formats.


Users can export data from Wireshark for offline analysis, with options for compression and decompression. Additionally, the platform features a user-friendly built-in network protocol debugging environment, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and diagnostics.


Wireshark seamlessly integrates with various tools and environments, including network software emulators like GNS3, enhancing its versatility and utility for cybersecurity professionals.


As an open-source solution, Wireshark is freely available for use, making it an accessible and cost-effective choice for network protocol analysis and cybersecurity efforts.



Amass is a powerful penetration testing tool renowned for its prowess in external asset discovery. As an integral component of Attack Surface Management (ASM), Amass facilitates comprehensive network mapping to monitor cyber attack surfaces effectively.


One standout feature of Amass is its continuous monitoring capability, which ensures that your organization remains vigilant against evolving threats by regularly scanning for changes in the attack surface. This proactive approach enables you to bolster your application’s security posture and enhance vulnerability management practices.


With Amass, users can effortlessly identify both active and inactive assets that may be unknown to their organization, providing valuable insights into potential security risks. The tool offers robust reporting functionalities, allowing users to generate detailed reports based on the results of penetration tests.


A notable aspect of Amass is its user-friendly interface, complemented by a comprehensive tutorial within the application. This feature-rich tool empowers users to navigate its functionalities with ease, facilitating seamless asset discovery and threat mitigation efforts.


Amass is fully open source and available for free, making it an accessible and cost-effective solution for organizations seeking to bolster their cybersecurity defenses through robust external asset discovery capabilities.



Nessus is a versatile web application penetration testing tool designed to streamline vulnerability assessments for your web applications. With Nessus, you can effortlessly identify and address various security vulnerabilities, including software flaws, malware, and missing patches, ensuring robust protection against potential threats.


One of the key features of Nessus is its support for both credential and non-credential scans, allowing you to conduct thorough assessments and gain deeper insights into vulnerabilities. This comprehensive approach ensures that your web applications are thoroughly tested, covering a wide range of security flaws.


Nessus is not limited to web applications alone; it also extends its coverage to network devices such as endpoints, servers, and virtualization platforms, providing comprehensive security assessment across your entire infrastructure.


The tool seamlessly integrates with popular platforms such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and ServiceNow, enhancing its flexibility and usability within your existing workflow.


Nessus offers a range of pricing options, starting at $473.90 per month for a license billed annually. Additionally, you can take advantage of a 7-day free trial to explore its features and capabilities before making a commitment.



Metasploit is a powerful web application penetration testing tool designed to uncover system weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It enables you to identify and exploit these weaknesses, allowing you to demonstrate their impact and facilitate the remediation process effectively.


One of the standout features of Metasploit is its ability to automate manual tests and exploits, significantly reducing the time and effort required for testing and scanning. With a vast exploit database that receives regular updates, Metasploit ensures that you stay ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities.


Metasploit supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, making it versatile and adaptable to various environments and devices. Its intuitive interface simplifies the testing process, enabling both novice and experienced users to utilize its capabilities effectively.


Moreover, Metasploit benefits from a thriving community support system, providing access to resources, knowledge sharing, and collaborative problem-solving.


The tool seamlessly integrates with popular platforms such as Kali Linux and Dradis, enhancing its functionality and usability within your existing toolkit.


Metasploit offers flexible pricing options, with a free version available for those looking to explore its features. For more advanced capabilities and support, pricing is available upon request, starting at $2,000 per year.

Other Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

11. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): Acts as a “middleman proxy” for browser and application security testing.

12. Gobuster: A tool for developers, ideal for directory and file brute-forcing in web applications.

13. John the Ripper: Penetration testing and password cracker tool to assess password strength.

14. Burp Suite: Offers passive scanning for continuous monitoring of web application security.

15. Medusa: Application-based penetration testing tool for assessing data and signal integrity.

16. Wfuzz: Specifically designed for brute-forcing web applications to uncover vulnerabilities.

17. SQLMap: Open-source tool for detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws in web apps.

Related Web Application Penetration Testing Tool Reviews

If you’re still searching, explore these closely related tools we’ve reviewed:


  • Code Review Tools

Selection Criteria For Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

When choosing web application penetration testing tools, I consider various factors to ensure they meet the needs of organizations in securing their applications:


  • Core Functionality: The tool must identify and exploit vulnerabilities, offer comprehensive scanning, detailed reporting, adaptability to different applications, and integration capabilities.


  • Standout Features: Innovative features like machine learning, real-time collaboration, advanced automation, custom scripting, and interactive testing set the best tools apart.


  • Usability: Intuitive interfaces, clear presentation of findings, configurable settings, and accessibility features are essential for ease of use.


  • Onboarding: Effective onboarding includes documentation, tutorials, simulations, and community support to help users learn the tool quickly.


  • Customer Support: Quality support involves prompt assistance, multiple channels, proactive engagement, and expert guidance.


  • Value for Money: Transparent pricing, scalable plans, demonstrable ROI, and flexibility are key considerations for cost-effectiveness.


  • Customer Reviews: Insights from reviews offer real-world perspectives, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and overall satisfaction with the tool.

Trends in Web Application Penetration Testing Tools for 2024

Recent updates and advancements in web application penetration testing tools reveal significant trends shaping the industry:

Integration with AI and Machine Learning

Leading tools are integrating AI and ML to improve testing accuracy and efficiency, automating vulnerability detection processes.

Emphasis on Automation

There’s a growing emphasis on automating repetitive tasks to enhance testing speed and effectiveness.

Rapidly Evolving Features

  • Real-time Collaboration: Modern tools are enabling real-time collaboration among team members for dynamic and coordinated testing efforts.
  • Enhanced Reporting and Analytics: Tools are enhancing reporting and analytics capabilities to provide deeper insights and actionable intelligence.
  • Novel and Unusual Functionality: IoT and API Security Testing: Tools are expanding to include testing capabilities for IoT devices and APIs, addressing emerging security challenges.
  • Most Important and In-Demand Features: Cloud-Based Testing Environments: The demand for cloud-based testing platforms is rising, offering scalability and flexibility for testing web applications across various environments.

Features Becoming Less Important

Standalone Tools: Standalone testing tools are becoming less relevant as integration with other cybersecurity tools and frameworks becomes crucial.

Features of Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

In the cybersecurity realm, web application penetration testing tools play a crucial role in identifying vulnerabilities that could jeopardize web application security. These tools mimic real-world attacks to pinpoint weaknesses within applications, empowering organizations to bolster their defenses proactively. When selecting a penetration testing tool, it’s vital to consider a range of features that cater to comprehensive testing needs while offering actionable insights. Here are the most important features to look for:


  • Comprehensive Scanning Capabilities: Allows thorough scanning of web applications to detect a wide range of vulnerabilities across different application components.


  • Automated Vulnerability Assessment: Streamlines the testing process by automatically identifying known vulnerabilities, enabling testers to focus on more complex tasks.


  • Manual Testing Flexibility: Provides functionalities for manual, exploratory testing, allowing testers to simulate custom attacks and uncover business logic flaws that automated scans might miss.


  • Real-Time Reporting and Alerts: Delivers immediate feedback on detected vulnerabilities through detailed reports and alerts, enabling prompt action to mitigate risks.


  • Integration with Development Tools: Integrates with development and CI/CD tools to embed security testing into the software development lifecycle, ensuring continuous security focus.


  • Support for Latest Technologies: Offers testing capabilities for modern frameworks and architectures, keeping pace with evolving web technologies.


  • Customization and Extensibility: Allows testers to customize testing approaches and extend tool capabilities to suit specific application environments or testing needs.


  • Collaboration Features: Supports team collaboration, enabling multiple testers to work concurrently and share findings to enhance testing efficiency.


  • Compliance Checks: Includes features to test against compliance standards and security benchmarks, helping organizations meet regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Boasts an intuitive interface that simplifies penetration testing for users of varying expertise levels, accelerating the learning curve and enhancing productivity.

Benefits of Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

For businesses aiming to protect their digital assets, understanding the key benefits of web application penetration testing tools is crucial for making informed decisions and investing in the right technology. Here are five primary benefits of these tools:


  • Early Detection of Vulnerabilities: Penetration testing tools proactively identify security weaknesses before attackers can exploit them. Early detection helps prevent potential breaches and reduces the risk of data loss or theft.


  • Cost Savings: By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities early, these tools help businesses avoid the significant costs associated with data breaches, including financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage. Investing in penetration testing can lead to substantial long-term savings.


  • Compliance Assurance: Many tools include features to test against specific compliance standards, helping organizations meet regulatory requirements and avoid penalties. Compliance assurance ensures that businesses operate within legal frameworks and adhere to industry standards.


  • Enhanced Security Posture: Regular use of penetration testing tools strengthens an organization’s security posture by continually identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. This ongoing process helps build a robust defense mechanism against evolving cyber threats.


  • Improved Customer Trust: Demonstrating a commitment to security through regular penetration testing can enhance trust with customers and stakeholders. Trust is a critical asset in the digital age, directly correlating with customer loyalty and business reputation.

Costs & Pricing for Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

Choosing the right web application penetration testing tool is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your organization’s security posture. These tools offer various plans and pricing options tailored to different organizational sizes, testing frequencies, and analysis depths. Understanding the range of available options empowers you to select a tool that not only fits your budget but also aligns with your security goals. Here’s a structured overview of typical plan options you might encounter in the market:

Costs & Pricing for Web Application Penetration Testing Tools

When choosing a web application penetration testing tool, consider factors like the scale of your web presence, application complexity, and testing depth. Balancing these considerations with your budget will help you select a plan that effectively strengthens your web application security while providing value for money.


In conclusion, penetration testing is an essential method for evaluating the security of your applications. The penetration testing tools mentioned above offer valuable assistance in streamlining your testing processes and achieving high-quality results efficiently. By leveraging these tools, you can effectively manage your cybersecurity efforts and mitigate potential risks to your applications. I trust that this article has provided you with valuable insights to help you choose the right tool for you and your team, enabling you to enhance your overall cybersecurity posture.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several penetration testing techniques commonly used to ensure comprehensive security testing:


  • Black Box Testing: Examines the functionality of an application without delving into its internal structures.
  • White Box Testing: Tests the internal structures of a web application, including its code, infrastructure, and integrations.
  • Network Service Penetration Testing: Identifies security vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure.
  • Web Application Penetration Testing: Simulates cyber attacks on web applications to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Wireless Penetration Testing: Identifies and examines connections between devices on a business wifi network.
  • Social Engineering Penetration Testing: Assesses an organization’s vulnerability to social engineering scams.
  • Physical Penetration Testing: Attempts to compromise physical security barriers such as locks and sensors.

Using web application penetration testing tools is crucial for several reasons:


  • Identify Security Weaknesses: Proactively uncover vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them.
  • Protect Sensitive Data: Ensure the secure handling of sensitive user information.
  • Maintain Customer Trust: Build trust with users by demonstrating a commitment to security.
  • Avoid Financial Losses: Prevent breaches and the associated financial costs.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Ensure compliance with industry regulations through regular security testing.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: Foster a culture of continuous improvement in security practices to stay ahead of emerging threats.