5 Types of Bugs in API Testing 2024 updated-1

6 Types of Bugs in API Testing 2024 updated

Daniel Bell reminds us that technology isn’t just about machines or codes; it’s about human innovation. A great example of this innovation is the Application Programming Interface (API), which is like a set of rules that allows different software programs to talk to each other.


APIs act as translators, allowing different software programs to communicate seamlessly, like a universal translator in a multilingual city.


API testing ensures these “translators” function correctly by identifying issues like incorrect data delivery, unauthorized access attempts, and unexpected errors. This guarantees smooth collaboration between various software components.

Table of contents

Common Bugs in API Testing

It’s important to know that despite their crucial role in our digital transformations, APIs can have issues. Here’s a detailed look at the most common challenges and defects found in APIs

Common Defects in API Testing

Missing or Duplicate Functionality

Imagine ordering a pizza with all your favorite toppings, only to discover a crucial topping is missing or, worse, finding double the anchovies you never asked for. In the API world, missing endpoints are like forgotten toppings, and duplicate functionalities are unwanted extras. These defects can lead to incomplete features or unnecessary redundancy, making your software feel more like a chaotic pizza party than a streamlined system.


This happens when an API lacks certain features or functions that developers expect to be present. It could be due to the API not providing a complete set of tools needed for a specific use case or intentional exclusion by developers.


The consequences of missing functionality can be significant. Developers might struggle to complete specific tasks, resorting to alternative solutions that take more time and could cause additional problems. The absence of critical functionality can render the API useless for its intended purpose, leading to a loss of trust in the API provider.

This occurs when an API has multiple functions or methods that essentially do the same thing. While it might be introduced to offer different ways to achieve the same result, it often causes confusion and redundancy.


Having duplicate functionality can be stressful for developers. Questions arise about which function to use, potential performance differences between duplicates, and whether one is more stable or reliable. This inconsistency can lead to varied usage and make troubleshooting harder since there’s uncertainty about which function is causing potential issues.

Improper Messaging

Ever had someone nod in agreement but then do the exact opposite of what you expected? That’s what it feels like when an API returns a confusing message or a status code that doesn’t match the documentation.


Improper messaging in APIs primarily refers to unclear, misleading, or non-descriptive messages, especially during errors or exceptions. Such deficiencies arise from inadequate error handling or oversight during the API’s design phase. These ambiguous or unhelpful messages can severely hinder a developer’s ability to diagnose and rectify issues, leading to increased troubleshooting time and potential frustration. Moreover, overly verbose error messages might inadvertently expose sensitive system information, posing security risks.


The type of improper messaging is twofold. First, developers rely heavily on error messages for debugging, and unclear messages can lead to misdiagnosis or elongated resolution times. Second, from a security standpoint, revealing too much information in error messages can create vulnerabilities that malicious actors might exploit.


Imagine ordering a pair of running shoes online and receiving a set of hiking boots instead. Data issues in APIs create a range of challenges that can disrupt the smooth operation and reliability of applications. Inconsistencies in data formats, inaccuracies stemming from outdated databases or bugs, and incomplete data sets are common problems faced by developers.


Moreover, delays in data retrieval can impact real-time application responsiveness, and redundant data can extend processing times, leading to confusion. Beyond that, transferring sensitive information without robust security measures exposes the system to potential breaches and, if not compliant with privacy guidelines, legal ramifications.


Addressing these data-related challenges is crucial for maintaining user trust and ensuring optimal application performance.

Data Issues

Imagine ordering a pair of running shoes online and receiving a set of hiking boots instead. Data issues in APIs create a range of challenges that can disrupt the smooth operation and reliability of applications. Inconsistencies in data formats, inaccuracies stemming from outdated databases or bugs, and incomplete data sets are common problems faced by developers.


Moreover, delays in data retrieval can impact real-time application responsiveness, and redundant data can extend processing times, leading to confusion. Beyond that, transferring sensitive information without robust security measures exposes the system to potential breaches and, if not compliant with privacy guidelines, legal ramifications.


Addressing these data-related challenges is crucial for maintaining user trust and ensuring optimal application performance.

Unauthorised Access Issues

Imagine an API as a secure office building. Not everyone should have access, especially those without the right key card. But when an API fails to check for the correct credentials, it’s like letting unauthorized individuals into the building. These intruders might not just stroll around; they could potentially access sensitive information, leading to significant security risks.


Unauthorized access issues arise when individuals or entities gain access to systems, data, or resources without permission. This can happen due to weak security measures, vulnerabilities, or misconfigurations that allow unintended users to access or manipulate data. Such breaches can result in data theft, tampering, or disruptions to the system. The consequences of unauthorized access range from financial losses and legal liabilities to reputational damage for the involved organization.

Performance Issues

Imagine waiting in line at a grocery store with a slow-moving cashier, and each item takes forever to scan. That’s akin to an API responding at a sluggish pace, especially when it’s overloaded. Ideally, an API should operate as efficiently as a well-organized checkout, swiftly handling tasks. However, when performance issues arise, it can feel more like waiting behind a slow cashier during a busy shopping day.


Performance issues encompass anything affecting the speed, reliability, or efficiency of data transmission and processing. Slow response times, frequent timeouts, or data bottlenecks can disrupt the smooth operation of applications relying on the API, leading to reduced user satisfaction and potential loss of business. Factors such as server overloads, inefficient code, high data latency, or inadequate infrastructure can contribute to these performance-related challenges

Inconsistent Error Handling

Imagine playing a game where sometimes, when you lose, you get a detailed explanation, while other times, you’re left scratching your head. Inconsistent error handling in APIs can be just as bewildering. Consistency is vital. Whether an API is delivering good news or bad, it should do so in a predictable and understandable manner. No one likes unpleasant surprises, especially not developers troubleshooting an issue.


Inconsistent error handling refers to the irregular or varied ways in which a system, such as an API, responds to different errors or issues. Instead of providing uniform and descriptive error messages, an API with inconsistent error handling might return vague messages, differing formats, or even fail silently without any indication of the problem. This unpredictability can be confusing for developers, making it challenging to diagnose and address issues. Such inconsistency can stem from a lack of standardization in the development process, oversight, or even changes introduced over multiple iterations without proper documentation.

How to Identify and Fix them

How to Identify and Fix them

Missing or Duplicate Functionality in APIs Identifying

How to identify them


  • User Feedback: Users often notice when a feature is missing or duplicated. Regularly monitor user feedback channels for insights.
  • QA Testing: Conduct regular quality assurance testing to uncover areas where functionality might be missing or duplicated.
  • Code Review: Periodically review the codebase with peers to identify any overlooked or redundantly implemented functionality.


How to fix them


  • Regular Audits: Conduct frequent reviews of the API’s capabilities to identify gaps or redundancies in functionality.
  • User Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism to collect insights from developers and end-users. This can help highlight missing features or confusing redundancies.
  • Iterative Development: Regularly update the API, deprecating older duplicated functions and emphasizing newer, more efficient methods.

Improper Messaging

How to identify them


  • User Feedback: Users often notice when messaging is improper. Regularly monitor user feedback channels for insights into any communication issues.
  • QA Testing: Conduct regular quality assurance testing to identify areas where messaging might be unclear or inconsistent.
  • Code Review: Periodically review the codebase with peers to spot any overlooked or improperly implemented messaging.


How to fix them


  • Requirement Analysis: Go back to the initial requirements and ensure that all messaging aligns with the specified functionalities.
  • Refactor Code: If improper messaging is found, refactor the code to ensure clear and consistent communication. Removing redundancies not only fixes the issue but also improves code maintainability.
  • User Testing: After making changes, have a set of users test the functionality to ensure that messaging is now clear and aligned with user expectations.
  • Thorough Documentation: Document all potential errors, explaining their causes and providing comprehensive solutions. This ensures that developers have clear guidance on addressing messaging issues in the future.

Data Issues in APIs

How to Identify them


  • Data Quality Tools: Utilize data quality tools to automatically scan and identify inconsistencies, duplicates, or missing data in your API.
  • Data Profiling: Regularly profile your data to understand its structure, content, relationships, and quality.
  • Data Visualization: Use graphical representations of data to highlight outliers or inconsistencies that might not be immediately obvious in raw data.
  • Automated Testing: Implement tests that check for data integrity, especially after data migrations or integrations.


How to Fix them 


  • Data Validation: Implement robust data validation mechanisms within the API to ensure data consistency and accuracy.
  • Regular Data Audits: Periodically check the data sources for accuracy and completeness to catch and rectify any issues.
  • Optimized Queries: Ensure database queries are efficient to reduce data latency and improve overall API performance.
  • Data Security Protocols: Implement encryption and other security measures, especially for sensitive data, to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Unauthorized Access Issues in APIs

How to identify them


  • Audit Logs: Regularly review system and application logs to detect any unauthorized access attempts or suspicious activities.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Implement IDS to automatically detect and alert on any malicious activities or policy violations.
  • Unusual Activity Alerts: Set up alerts for unusual activities, such as login attempts during off-hours or from unfamiliar locations.
  • User Behavior Analytics (UBA): Use UBA tools to analyze patterns of user behavior and detect anomalies.


How to fix them


  • Robust Authentication: Implement strong authentication methods, such as OAuth or token-based systems, to ensure secure access.
  • Authorization Mechanisms: Ensure fine-grained access controls to restrict data and functionality based on user roles, preventing unauthorized actions.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent security assessments to identify and rectify vulnerabilities, keeping the API secure against potential threats.

Performance Issues in APIs

How to Identify them


  • Monitoring Tools: Utilize application performance monitoring (APM) tools like APIToolkit to track the speed, uptime, and overall user experience of your applications.
  • Load Testing: Simulate high traffic to understand how your system behaves under pressure and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Database Analysis: Tools like slow query logs can help identify inefficient database queries that slow down application performance.
  • Latency Measurement: Measure the time it takes for data to travel between the client and server. High latency can indicate network issues.


How to fix them


  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Ensure server and network infrastructure can handle peak loads by upgrading resources as needed.
  • Load Balancing: Distribute incoming requests among servers to prevent overloads on any single server.
  • Caching: Implement caching mechanisms to reduce redundant data processing and improve response times.
  • Optimized Code: Regularly review and optimize code for efficiency to enhance overall API performance.

Inconsistent Error Handling in APIs

How to Identify them

  • User Feedback: Users often report unexpected behaviors or unclear error messages they encounter during API interactions.
  • Code Review: Regularly review code to check for inconsistent error handling or areas where error handling is missing.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Use monitoring tools to track unexpected system behaviors, and log files to capture errors. Inconsistencies can be spotted by analyzing these logs.
  • Consistency Check: Compare error handling across similar functionalities or modules. If they handle errors differently, there’s inconsistency.

How to fix them

  • Standardized Error Responses: Adopt a uniform format for all error responses to ensure consistency and clarity.
  • Error Logging: Implement detailed logging to capture and analyze errors for future improvements and quicker issue resolution.
  • Developer Training: Ensure the development team is trained on best practices for error handling to maintain consistency across the API.


Addressing API defects requires a combination of technical solutions, regular audits, and continuous feedback. Proactive monitoring, iterative development, and a commitment to best practices are essential to maintaining a robust and reliable API platform. Thorough testing is crucial to ensure everything runs smoothly.


At MentorSol, we can help you enhance your testing process or hire the top 3% of software quality assurance engineers. Ready to strengthen your API platform? Contact us today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Types of bugs in API testing are


  1. Missing Functionality: When certain expected features or functions are absent in the API, it can lead to incomplete or inadequate performance.
  2. Duplicate Functionality: Presence of multiple functions or methods that essentially perform the same task can cause confusion and redundancy in API behavior.
  3. Improper Messaging: Issues related to unclear, inconsistent, or inaccurate communication between different software components.
  4. Data Issues: Inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or missing data in the API can hinder its smooth operation and reliability.
  5. Unauthorized Access: Security vulnerabilities that allow individuals or entities to gain access to systems, data, or resources without permission.
  6. Performance Issues: Problems related to the speed, responsiveness, or efficiency of data transmission and processing within the API.
  7. Inconsistent Error Handling: Irregular or varied ways in which the API responds to different errors or issues, leading to confusion for developers.

The three main types of testing in API (Application Programming Interface) are:

1. Unit Testing

Tests individual functions or methods within the API. Identifies and verifies the correctness of each unit of code in isolation. Usually carried out by developers during the development phase to ensure that each unit of code works as intended.


2. Integration Testing

Tests the interactions and connections between different units or modules of the API. Verifies that the integrated components work together as expected. Conducted after unit testing and involves testing how different units collaborate, ensuring the API functions cohesively.


3. End-to-End (E2E) Testing

Evaluates the entire API system, including external dependencies. Ensures that the API performs as expected in a real-world scenario, considering the complete flow of data and interactions. Typically performed in an environment that closely mirrors the production setup, simulating the full user experience.

In software testing, bugs can manifest in various forms. Here are common types of bugs in testing:


  1. Syntax Errors: Errors in the code syntax that prevent the program from compiling or executing properly.
  2. Logical Errors: Flaws in the program’s logic that result in incorrect output or behavior, even if the code is syntactically correct.
  3. Runtime Errors: Errors that occur during program execution, often causing the application to crash or behave unexpectedly.
  4. Interface Errors: Issues related to the interaction between different components, modules, or systems.
  5. Data Errors: Problems with the accuracy, completeness, or consistency of data, leading to incorrect processing or output.
  6. Calculation Errors: Mistakes in mathematical calculations or algorithms, resulting in inaccurate results.
  7. Concurrency Errors: Bugs arising from multiple processes or threads accessing shared resources concurrently, leading to unexpected behavior.
  8. Compatibility Errors:  Incompatibility issues with different software, hardware, or environments, causing the application to malfunction.
  9. Boundary Errors: Errors that occur at the boundaries of input ranges or limits, often leading to unexpected behavior.
  10. Performance Issues: Problems related to the speed, responsiveness, or efficiency of the software under certain conditions or loads.
  11. Security Vulnerabilities: Flaws that expose the software to potential security threats, such as unauthorized access or data breaches.
  12. Usability Issues: Problems affecting the user experience, including confusing interfaces, unclear instructions, or difficulties in navigation.

API testing can be automated using tools like Postman, Newman, or through scripting languages like Python using libraries such as Requests or unittest.